ATTENTION! AUTODESK in your contry actively checks the illegal use of software!

Recently, we, as a CAD provider, have been approached by more and more customers who have faced threats or lawsuits for compensation from the AUTODESK company, mainly due to illegal use of the software. Many users are also receiving official notifications, read more here. As an authorized distributor of various CAD / BIM software, we [...]

GstarCAD for Architects: Tailoring CAD Solutions to Design Needs

GstarCAD is a widely-used CAD software that is recognized as a popular AUTOCAD alternative. It is commonly utilized by technicians, engineers, and drafters. For further information, please visit our Blog website. GstarCAD is ofcourse also utilized by architects globally. GstarCAD can function independently as a standalone software, or in conjunction with plugins or alongside other [...]

Looking for a SolidWorks alternative? Consider IronCAD.

The SolidWorks Alternative: Revolutionize Your Design Workflow with IronCAD In the CAD/CAM software area for a long time, SolidWorks has been the indisputable leader among those who need software with the full package of functions and the highest precision. However, in today's fast-paced world, there's a rising contender that offers a compelling SolidWorks alternative, it is [...]

Which GstarCAD license is right for you? A complete Guide for new users

Most new and future users frequently question which GstarCAD license would be most suitable for their needs. The choice of version and licensing is primarily influenced by the nature of the work, workload, number of staff, computer resources, and budget constraints. Thankfully, GstarCAD offers a variety of licensing options to cater to different requirements. [...]

‘Your AutoCAD license is not valid’ – how to fix?

What does this mean: 'Your AutoCAD license is not valid' ? The message "Your AutoCAD license is not valid" typically appears when there is an issue with the licensing of the AutoCAD software. This could be due to various reasons, and here are some common causes: Expired License: You might get "Your AutoCAD license [...]

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