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LIFEcad Application is a dedicated tool for designing Sprinkler Systems,
it is fully compatible with BricsCAD V20 Classic, Pro, Platinum, AutoCAD 2021, GstarCAD 2020 Standard, Professional.


Well known tools and functions

Despite its innovative and advanced solutions, working in the LIFEcad Application is very easy and intuitive. When creating a project, the Designer uses basic CAD tools and functions such as drawing lines, copying, working on layers and blocks with attributes.


Full automation

Although the Designer uses basic CAD functions and tools, the whole process of his work is automated. This is because the LIFEcad Application is equipped with several complex algorithms and databases that work in the background and are invisible to the Designer.


 Comprehensive integration

The Designer can’t see and feels no difference while working – just as if he worked in a standard CAD programme on basic functions. The only thing that is required from the User is an organised work that means a proper work on layers and blocks prepared in the Application.


Compatible DWG format

LIFEcad works on DWG files and is fully compatible with them, which means that these files are not converted in any way. This is a deliberate choice because DWG files are the most common format in the design industry.


CAD & DWG format

The biggest advantage of the LIFEcad Application is that it uses standard commands and tools of CAD programmes and the fact that the files are saved in the most popular format, DWG. Working on DWG files does not require any conversion. We draw the installation using the line or copy command by placing it on the appropriate drawing layers. When designing installations, we use ready-made base blocks that we use to build and describe installations.


Sprinkler base

LIFEcad has a large sprinkler base made according to the guidelines of three standards, which include all the necessary information needed to perform hydraulic calculations.

Compliant with standards

LIFEcad was built in accordance with the guidelines of three standards, thanks to which the Designer will perform automatic calculations of installations according to standards. After selecting the appropriate standard, the programme enables designing in accordance with the selected standard. Hydraulic calculations are performed in accordance with the selected type of standard. For each of the standards, the libraries of the respective sprinklers and pipelines have been prepared.


Combining multiple drawings

Thanks to the Application algorithms, the project can be divided into many DWG files corresponding to separate floors of the building. It is enough to connect the file with the defined building storey and enter the symbol of the plumb line connecting the installation with another storey. The symbol of the plumb line connects and transfers information between separate storeys, which are on separate DWG files. It is a “bridge” connecting many drawings into one project.

Automatic spacing of sprinklers in the array

There are various spacing methods adapted to the specifics of a given project.


Crowd evenly


Crowd sprinklers near the wall



Maximum distance according to the standard


Move the entire group


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Final reports

After designing the installation and performing calculations, the LIFEcad Application allows you to generate reports from hydraulic calculations and retail lists of pipelines, fittings and armature that have been used in the designed installation. The programme provides the designer with all the necessary data needed for selection of devices.
