
500,000+ CAD symbols, standard parts, objects and furniture fittings for the architecture, mechanical engineering, electro, HVAC (gas pipeline, water pipe, sewage, ventilation, sanitary, air conditioning) sectors, for DWG / DXF compatible CAD.

CP Symbols


Architecture and construction

CP Symbols


Mechanical engineering and production

CP Symbols

HVAC & Piping

HVAC and industrial plants

CP Symbols


Electrical installations and automation

CP Symbols

500.000+ CAD library

Architectural: openings, windows, doors, furniture, furnishings, kitchen appliances, topographic symbols, UCS symbols, rescue

Mechanical: standard parts, screws, nuts, washers, steel profiles, rods, wire rod, steel pipes, welding symbols , hydraulics and pneumatics

HVAC & piping: symbols for heating , Water, sewage, fire-fighting and technological installations, ventilation, vacuum technology, sanitary objects,

Electrical: connection, control and security systems, lighting, measuring devices, fire-fighting installations , alarm and monitoring systems


CADprofi and CP-Symbols are automatically configured to be optimally compatible with any selected software (AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, ARES Commander, BricsCAD, GstarCAD, IntelliCAD, progeCAD, ZWCAD, etc.).

Drawings created are fully compatible with DWG and DXF formats.

CP Symbols

You don’t have a DWG-CAD?

For example , choose GstarCAD , the inexpensive alternative to AutoCAD

CP-Symbols Suite

The CP-Symbols Suite consists of the following programs: CP-Symbols HVAC & Piping, CP-Symbols Electrical, CP-Symbols Architectural, CP-Symbols Mechanical. For a complete collection there is a promotion -50%!

Before you order, try the software


Your software grows with growing demands. Complete CADprofi industry modules with corresponding CAD libraries already included:

-CADprofi Architectural

-CADprofi Electrical

-CADprofi Mechanical

-CADprofi HVAC & Piping

-CADprofi Suite – All in One (-50%)


The Unicode based user interface supports 23 languages ​​i.e. English, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.

CP Symbols